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We love You, Lord You freed our souls. You have freed us, and we stand wide-eyed, amazed at how light life truly is. Freedom Peace Rest Taste and see. See all that I have prepared for you. I created the universe for you. I created trees and flowers, beasts and lizards, all things furry and feathered. See the beauty I created for you. But Know This: None of this compares to the beauty of you. You are beautiful. You were created to be free. You were created to dance, to be free of everything that holds you down. You were created to fly… to soar with the eagles to greater and greater heights… to be lifted up by My Spirit and carried to new realms of discovery. I am calling you deeper into Me. You are My heart’s desire. Spending time with you fills My heart with joy. Look into My eyes. See the unconditional love I have for you. See the delight in My eyes as you approach. I stand each day on the hill, waiting, watching for you. See Me run to you! Run to Me, Child, and let Me overwhelm you with My love. Step into my Presence. Step into My throne room of grace. Grace flows easily and deeply. It washes away all the tears of sorrow and regret. Let it wash away all the things that have held you back from My love. As Isaiah allowed the coal to touch his lips, allow My river of grace to touch yours. I have called you to be a voice of grace. I have called you to be my voice of blessing and encouragement. You will release My grace and My love to a world that believes it is unlovable. Even the most unlovable are My heart’s desire. They are guests of honor at My table, and you carry their invitation. So, come into My arms. Let me give you rest and refreshing. Let Me blanket you in My love. Lay your head on My chest and feel My heartbeat. Feel its rhythm. Let its sound resonate through your entire being. I have chosen you. You are mine. I am your good, good Father, and you are loved by me. by Michelle Bachini 9/23/15 *********************************************************************************************************************************** Behold! I am doing a new thing. Do you see it? Today it begins. Today it unfolds, and the fragrance of my presence is set free! I planted the seed, and I guarded you as you waited in the darkness. I guarded your dreams as they waited in the darkness. I was with you in the darkness. I called you into the Light--- Tender green shoot, Leaves, Bud............ And today the flower opens. Behold! I am doing a new thing-- in you and among you! by Lisa Holden 9/17/15
Our vision for prophetic art at Tree of Life Ministry Schools is to make a space for Holy Spirit to create through us for the purpose of encouraging the body of Christ and others. We believe that God is speaking through the arts in ever-increasing ways; that we are in fact, coming into a Renaissance-type reformation that ushers in an increase in the awareness of Gods love for each and every one of His children.